Watermain Petition & Background Information
The Public Utilities Commission for the Municipality of Chatham-Kent (CK PUC) received a petition in April 2024 requesting consideration for a municipal waterline extension along St. Clair Road, Heritage Line and Murray Street in the former Community of Chatham Township.
CK PUC has completed pressure and flow testing on the existing watermains in the area and conducted computer water modelling to assess the available capacity in the CK PUC water system. The water modelling has determined the waterline diameter required to support this request and the required route for this waterline extension.
Project Scope
The proposed waterline would connect to the existing 150mm diameter waterline on Murray Street that ends in front of 851 Murray Street. To meet the flow requirements for the properties in the petitioned area, the following would be required:
- Approximately 2,702 meters of 100mm diameter watermain extending south down Murray Street and St. Clair Road
- Approximately 1,540 meters of 50mm diameter watermain extending southwest along Heritage Line
The proposed watermain does not include fire protection.
Water Service Connections
Water service connections, 25 mm (1") diameter, from the mainline pipe to the road limit will be provided for each existing occupied and vacant residential, commercial and industrial lots and occupied agricultural lots located along the proposed watermain route. Service connections to vacant agricultural properties will not be provided unless requested by the property owner at full assessment.
You can find the Public Information Center Presentation Slides below on this webpage. These slides will explain the project information in further detail and provide a breakdown of the assessment costs for all properties.
Please note: The estimated project costs for waterline petitions are divided amongst the properties along the waterline route based on each property's assessment value.
Public Information Center
This virtual Public Information Center (PIC) is available to explain the project, background information, CK PUC assessment rationale and connection costs. The PIC materials will be available on this webpage from September 16, 2024, to October 4, 2024.
Please review the Public Information Center Presentation Slides on this webpage for further information on this project.
Next Steps
A voting ballot was included in the information package mailed out to the property owners and should be filled out and returned to the CK PUC on/before Friday, October 4, 2024, before 3:30 pm local time.
You can email, mail, fax, or drop it off at any Municipal Centre in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent or CK PUC office. Only the votes returned are counted. If you do not vote, you accept the direction provided by those that do.
The CK PUC Waterline and Sanitary Sewer Assessment Policy for Un-serviced areas requires that sixty-six (66%) of the property owners must vote in favour of the project for it to proceed to construction.
After the ballots are collected and counted, the information will be reported to the next Commission meeting. The Commission will approve the project to proceed or to turn it down. This project and the vote results will be presented to the Commission at the October 17, 2024 Commission meeting.
After the Commission Meeting, the property owners involved will be informed by mail of the results and CK PUC action regarding this proposed waterline. Vote results are kept confidential, only final percentages are announced.
If you have any questions about the proposed watermain petition project, please contact CK PUC at 519-360-1998 or ckpuc@chatham-kent.ca.
The map linked here shows the proposed waterline route and petition area boundary.