Applying for Social Assistance

​Ontario Works provides income and employment support to people in temporary financial need.

Effective February 18th, 2025, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Employment and Social Services office will be participating in the Ministry of Community and Social Services Centralized Ontario Works Intake Expansion. 

What Does This Mean?

The Ministry will assume responsibility for making initial eligibility decisions and issuing the initial payment for eligible applicants for most Ontario Works applications.  Payments will be issued through the local office by cheque or direct banking deposit. Individuals and families already receiving Ontario Works Assistance will not be impacted. 

For information on ODSP changes, please contact the ODSP office at 519-352-5040 or visit Ontario Disability Support Program.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Live in Chatham-Kent
  • Need Money right away to help with food and housing costs
  • Be willing to take part in activities that will help you find a job (if you are able)

 Ways to Apply for Ongoing Financial Support

Apply Online

Apply for Ontario Works Online

Applications are completed online and will ask you to input information about yourself and any family members applying to determine if you're eligible.

By using the online application you can find out if you are eligible for three social assistance programs: Ontario Works, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD).

Apply by Telephone

To apply by phone call 1-888-999-1142  

How to Apply for:

  • Emergency Assistance
  • Temporary care (of children) assistance
  • Applicant under 18 years of age
  • Re-application for clients who have exited the program within 3 months
  • Assistance with rent and/or energy costs

Call your local office at 519-351-8573 or visit the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Employment and Social Service office at 435 Grand Avenue West, Chatham, ON N7M 5L8. 

Use the Eligibility Estimator to see if you qualify. If you do not qualify, you could still be eligible for Emergency Assistance or be referred to other resources in the community by calling 519-351-8573.

 Information for Application

You will need the following information for you and all family members applying for benefits:

  • Date of Birth (birth certificate, immigration paper)
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Health Card Number
  • Address Details
  • Bank Account
  • Employment History
  • Rent or Mortgage Details
  • Assets (vehicles, RSP's, life insurance)
  • Current, recent and expected income from earnings and other sources (employment, child support, Canada Pension, Employment Insurance)
  • Utilities (heat, hydro, fire insurance)

Verification Interview

Whether you apply online or by phone, you will be asked to attend a meeting at an Ontario Works office to complete the application. A caseworker will verify all of your information determine your eligibility, and explain how the Ontario Works program can help you. This includes discussing your rights and responsibilities and working with you on setting goals and future plans. 

The Verification Interview will require that all persons applying for assistance are present. That means that if you are in a spousal relationship (married or common-law) both persons will be required to attend. Any dependent over the age of 18 who resides in the home will also be required to attend.

Appeal a Decision About Your Case

You have the right to appeal if you are notified that you are not eligible for Ontario Works financial assistance or if you disagree with the amount of financial assistance you receive.  For more information on how to appeal a decision, visit the Ontario website.

General Inquiries

For general inquiries about Ontario Works programs and services, please call 519-351-8573.

Last Updated: Mon Feb 17 2025