Gravel Roads

​The Municipality has approximately 1700 km of gravel roads of which 1/3 receives additional gravel annually. Over time gravel breaks down and new gravel is required to maintain the road base.

Grading of Gravel Roads

The Municipality grades gravel roads on a periodic basis throughout the season in order to maintain proper drainage of the road surface and improve the driving surface.

Annual Gravel Requirements

The Municipality of Chatham-Kent adds 197,000 tonnes of gravel to rural roads each year. The municipally-owned Harwich Gravel Pit produces approximately 100,000 tonnes of the gravel needed, while the remainder is purchased through the tender process.

Gravel Resurfacing (Spring / Fall)

During the spring and fall months, our Public Works Department applies gravel on rural roads. Generally 2-3 days after gravel resurfacing, dust control or stabilization is applied.

What is dust control?

The Municipality contracts dust control services to apply Salt Brine on less travelled roads and Alternative Calcium Chloride Solutions on busier roads. These chlorides are effective at controlling dust because they attract water from the air, thereby keeping the roadway slightly moist at all times.

When do we apply dust control?

Depending on precipitation levels, the first application begins mid-May to the end of June, usually 2-3 days after Public Works staff completes road grading or gravel resurfacing. Following the initial application, we do spot dust control in front of homes and near intersections and railways. This usually lasts until the end of September.

We make every effort to control dust in areas under construction; however, the movement of heavy construction equipment makes dust control measures less effective. Once the construction project is completed, the area receives its regular dust control application.

Do you have a question or concern? Call 519-360-1998 or create a service request online anytime!

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