Before you submit your Production Information Sheet and Permit Application, we encourage you to contact staff in the Film Office to discuss your plans.
The Ontario Film Commission's Digital Locations Library and Ontario Production Guide can help you source Chatham-Kent locations and businesses. It's important to let us know which local products and services you take advantage of so that we can share the positive impacts of your production. When filming in Chatham-Kent we also ask that you take into consideration residents, businesses, and safety.
Consideration for the Community
Filming should not negatively affect the local community. This includes (but is not limited to) spill-over lighting, exhaust fumes or noise that may affect their ability to enjoy their property or conduct their business. Consider the following when filming in Chatham-Kent:
- You must comply with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent's Noise by-law
- Lighting for filming must not face neighbouring residences.
- All generators used on streets or in public areas must be equipped with silencing attachments unless otherwise approved.
- Filming between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am is not permitted in residential areas. If you need to film at this time, you may require approval from affected residents, occupants, businesses, and Municipal staff. If you receive approval to film during this time, you must notify residents.
- Minimize the disruption to residents, occupants, businesses, and Municipal services. You must allow pedestrian and vehicular traffic access to all properties.
- Every effort must be made to ensure that people with special needs are not inconvenienced. For example, accommodating vehicles with disabled parking permits.
Business Improvement Areas (BIAs)
If you plan on filming in a Business Improvement Area (BIA), please notify the Film Office as early as possible. Staff will provide BIA contact information to facilitate notification to the BIAs.
Staff will confirm if your proposed filming will take place in a BIA, and you will be required to give the BIA executive directors and key contacts a copy of your notification letter before you hand it out to the community.
Health & Safety
You must adhere to all applicable statutes, regulations, by-laws, policies, manuals, and guidelines to ensure the safety of the production cast and crew and the public, including but not limited to:
Plan accordingly based on the minimum required lead times shown below. Minimum required lead time refers to the minimum number of business days (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) before the first parking or filming date (whichever comes first).
Providing extra lead time beyond the minimum requirements, if possible, allows the Film Office to better collaborate with internal partners to coordinate your request. Late requests will be considered but the Film Office cannot guarantee that late requests can be accommodated.
Film Permit | Film Office | 3 business days |
Revisions to a Film Permit | Film Office | 3 business days |
SPFX, Dangerous Filming, Fire Effects,
Display Fireworks, Pyrotechnics | Chatham-Kent Police Service Paid Duty Office and/or Chatham-Kent Fire & Rescue Office | 15 business days |
Paid Duty Services | Chatham-Kent Police Service Paid Duty Office | 10 business days |
Paid Standby Fire Truck and Crew | Chatham-Kent Fire & Rescue Office | 15 business days |
Intermittent Traffic Control (ITCs) | Film Office | 10 business days (depending on size/location)
Temporary Road Closure | Film Office | 10 business days |
Alter, Remove or Control Traffic Signs | Film Office | 10 business days |
Control Street Lighting (only available with ITCs or Temporary Road Closure)
| Film Office | 10 business days |
Parking in a Municipal Lot or at Parking Metres | Film Office | 10 business days |
Filming at or Inside a Municipally owned Facility | Film Office | 10 business days |
NOTE: We reserve the right to refuse filming if you do not follow these guidelines. This includes production companies or individuals who have not followed the guidelines in the past.