Public Art Funding

​Public Art works best when it is specifically for and about its community.

What is public art?

You may have heard the term public art and wondered...just what does that mean? Public art refers to artwork that is installed in a public space and is therefore visually and physically accessible to the public.

Why is public art important?

Public Art defines spaces, creates landmarks, and builds upon the meaningful connections between people and their environment. Public Art may interpret the natural or human history of a site; connect new populations to historic buildings and older communities; unite neighbourhoods by expressing shared experiences and aspirations; or simply beautify existing spaces. Through the creative vision of artists, public spaces become gathering places, creating a sense of civic pride and engagement.

There are several ways to access funding for Public Art initiatives. We are looking to present this information in a way that artists and the public have clarity on the various avenues to access funding support for their public art ideas. The avenues are: