Consumer Fireworks Licence

​A licence is required to sell Consumer (aka Family) Fireworks in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

The Fireworks By-law defines Consumer Fireworks as "low-hazard fireworks for recreation that are described under the Explosives Act, Explosive Regulations 2013, SOR 2013/211 Part 16, as amended, and includes, but is not limited to Fireworks showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pinwheels, roman candles, volcanoes, sparklers and other similar devices, but does not include Christmas crackers and paper caps containing not more than twenty-five one-hundredths of a grain of explosive on the average per cap, devices for use with such caps, safety flares or marine rockets." 

2025 Licence Period for the sale of Consumer Fireworks

  • May 09, 2025 - July 4, 2025
  • October 10, 2025 - October 20, 2025 
  • December 22, 2025 - January 1, 2026

Note regarding licence period, the Fireworks By-law states: "Sell any Consumer Fireworks to any Person except on i) the ten (10) days immediately preceding the day fixed by proclamation of the Governor-General for the observance of Victoria Day (hereinafter called "Victoria Day"); ii) Victoria Day; iii) the period between Victoria Day and Canada Day; iv) Canada Day; v) the ten (10) days immediately preceding New Year's Day; vi) New Year's Day; and vii) such other day as is proclaimed by the Council for the Municipality as suitable for celebration with Fireworks." A 2023 amendment to the Fireworks by-law added the ten (10) days immediately preceding Diwali as permitted for fireworks sales. 

Application Checklist

Next Steps

  • Once a Consumer Fireworks Application and licence fee have been received, the Licensing Department will confirm the zoning of the property. If the zoning permits the sale of fireworks, the Licensing Department will issue a licence.
  • A Fire inspection is required, if there are any concerns about the display and/or sale of fireworks at your premises the Consumer Fireworks Licence may be revoked.
  • You must comply with all requirements as set out in the Fireworks By-law.
  • In the case of a Fire Ban being issued by the Chief Fire Official, no Person shall: 
    • Sell any Consumer Fireworks during a Fire Ban.
    • No person shall ignite, set off, or have a display of Display Fireworks during those times when winds are greater than 30 kilometers per hour or when a Fire Ban has been issued 

For questions or more information on acquiring a Consumer Fireworks Licence, call Licensing Services at 519-360-1998.

Permit for Display Fireworks

Please contact Chatham-Kent Fire by calling 519-436-3270 or emailing