Short-Term Dwelling Rentals

​The Municipality of Chatham-Kent does not currently licence short-term rentals except for short-term rentals that offer five bedrooms or more. Short-term rentals offering five bedrooms or more require a Rental Dwelling Unit, Large Municipal Business Licence


As directed by Council, a survey was conducted through Chatham-Kent Let's Talk from July 27 to August 22, 2022. The survey results are comprised of responses from 144 participants. 

At the September 26, 2022 Council meeting, Council received an information report about the results of the Let's Talk survey. Council referred the information report back to administration for costing and recommendations. 

Attachment A - AirDNA map of active rentals
Attachment B - Survey Results
Attachment C - Short Term Rentals Guide to Municipal By-laws 
Attachment D - Other municipalities information

At the April 29, 2024 Council meeting an information report was received providing options and costing along with Attachment A.

Complaints directed to Airbnb or Vrbo

Complaints regarding a property listed with Airbnb can be filed through Airbnb's neighbourhood support line. To report a concern about a VRBO property submit a Stay Neighborly complaint form.

Questions or concerns?

If you have questions or concerns regarding short-tern rentals please contact the Licensing Department by e-mail at 

Below are some by-laws that are related to Short-Term Rentals.

Short-Term Dwelling Rentals

By-law 56-2016

Amendment 100-2021

Amendment 181-2022 

Amendment 135-2023

Highlights of the Fireworks By-law:


No Person shall ignite or set off any consumer fireworks on any property unless such person is the owner of that property or has written permission to do so by the owner of such property


The igniting and setting off of consumer fireworks as set out in the provisions of the Fireworks By-law, is hereby prohibited except on:

a) Victoria Day and the three days immediately preceding and following Victoria Day; 

b) Canada Day and the three days immediately preceding and following Canada Day; 

c) New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, and 

d) Such day as is proclaimed by Council for the Municipality as suitable for celebration with Fireworks.

e) Diwali

Dates when consumer fireworks may be set off are:

2024 - May 17 to 23, June 28 to July 4, Nov 1, Dec 31 and Jan 1.


a) No person under the age of 18 years shall set off or hold in their hand any consumer fireworks except under the direct supervision and control of a parent or other responsible adult.

b) Setting off Firecrackers or Prohibited Fireworks is prohibited.

Refer to By-law for further details.

Complaints about fireworks being let off: Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue

Concern and Complaint Form 

​By-law 141-2007
Amendment 117-2018

Highlights of the Littering By-law:

2. No person shall in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, throw, place or deposit any refuse or debris on:
i. private property
ii. property of The Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
iii. property of any local board of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent
iv. highways, except in receptacles provided for the purpose of depositing refuse without authorization from the owner or occupant of such property.

3. No person shall use any land or structure within the limits of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent for dumping or disposal of garbage, refuse, domestic, industrial, construction waste or waste material of any kind.

Refer to By-law for further details.

Questions regarding the By-law: 519-360-1998

​Noise By-law 41-2004
Amendment 178-2017 (Schedule 2, Section 2 to By-law 41-2004 replaced)
Amendment 43-2005 (Schedule 2, Limitation by Time, Section 13 of By-law 41-2004 replaced)
Set Fines

Highlights of the Noise By-law: 

Schedule 1 General prohibitions:
• Racing of any motorized vehicle
• Squealing of tires
• See list for further details

Schedule 2 Prohibitions by time:
• Loud speakers
• Persistent barking, calling or whining by any dog
• Yelling or shouting
• See list for further details

Refer to By-law for further details.

Questions regarding the By-law: Building Development Services - or 519-360-1998

Complaints: Chatham-Kent Police non-emergency 519-352-1234.

​By-law 193-2009

Do I need a permit to have a camp fire?All non-approved burning devices (campfires/fire pits/fire rings) require a Recreational Campfire Permit
Small fires that are contained inside an approved burning device do NOT require a permit.

Can I have a fire on the beach?
2.3 No Person shall set or maintain an Open-Air Fire on any roadway, highway, park, easement, beach, or other public property owned or operated by the Municipality without permission.

My neighbour keeps having a fire and the smoke is coming into my house.

If the fire is posing a risk to life or property, call 911 immediately.
If smoke from the fire is causing a nuisance (smoke coming into your home) and the fire is actively burning, call the non-emergency dispatch line at 519-352-1234.
We are unable to respond when there is no active fire (the fire is out).

The yard is too small to meet the requirements of the Open Burn By-law, is there any other option for me to still have a recreational campfire on my property?

Yes, you can consider using a chiminea or a CSA-approved burning device that uses alternative fuels such as propane and natural gas. These types of devices are considered Approved Burning Devices exempt from the bylaw and do not require a permit.

Refer to By-law for further details.

To obtain a permit: 519-360-1998.

Questions/complaints: Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue 519-436-3270

Chatham-Kent Fire & Rescue webpage on Campfires & Open Burns

By-law 151-2015

Highlights of the Property Standards By-law:

  • Garbage disposal - 3.6 All garbage, refuse, and ashes shall be promptly placed in a suitable container and made available for removal in accordance with the Corporation's garbage collection bylaw.
  • Residential standards - 4.1 Every owner of a residential property shall:
  • (i)maintain their property and every part thereof, in a clean, sanitary and safe condition, and
  • iii) not allow accumulation or storage of garbage, refuse, appliances or furniture in a means of egress.
  • Parking Areas and Driveways - 6.4 All areas used for vehicular traffic, parking spaces and other similar areas shall be maintained so as to afford safe passage under normal use and weather conditions

Refer to By-law for further details.
Contact for further information: Building Development Services 519-360-1998

Complaints: Complaint Form or call 519-360-1998

  • A written, signed complaint form must be submitted to the By-law Enforcement Office, Building Services Department - Chatham Civic Centre.
  • Once the form has been received, the By-law Enforcement Officer will visit the property in question to ensure that it is a valid complaint.
  • If the complaint is valid, a letter is sent to the property owner advising on the specifics of the infraction, what is required in order to comply with the specific by-law and how long will be given in order to comply. 
  • The By-law Enforcement Officer will follow up with the complainant regarding the actions taken.

By-law 99-2021

Highlights of the Long Grass and Weeds by-law:

1. No owner of lands that are not subject to the Weed Control Act shall permit Grass and/ or Weeds on their lands to grow to a height exceeding twenty centimeters (20 cm)

8. This By-law shall be in full force and effect for the period of April 1st to November 1st in each calendar year

Refer to By-law for further details.

Complaints about Grass and Weeds: Create a Service Request Online

Contact: Customer Service 519.360.1998

More Information: Grass and Weeds

Public Nuisance By-Law 76-2015
Amendment 179-2017

Highlights of the Public Nuisance By-law:

What is a nuisance party?
“Nuisance Party Activities” means more than one of the following, in combination with others, activities occurring so as to constitute a public nuisance whether occurring on neighbouring public or private property:
a) public drunkenness or public intoxication;
b) the unlawful sale, furnishing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances;
c) the deposit of refuse on public or private property;
d) damage to or destruction of public or private property;
e) pedestrian traffic, vehicular traffic, or illegal parking that obstructs the free flow of traffic or could interfere with the ability to provide emergency services;
f) unreasonable noise, including loud music or shouting;
g) unlawful open burning or fireworks;
h) public disturbances, including public brawls or public fights;
i) outdoor public urination, vomiting or defecation

• 2(2) Nuisance party in public place
• 3(1) Nuisance parties
• 4(4) Fail to leave the premises after having been directed to leave

Refer to By-law for further details.

Questions/complaints: Chatham-Kent Police Service non-emergency 519-352-1234.

Highlights of the Responsible Animal Ownership By-law:
Dogs shall not run at large
Owner shall immediately remove and sanitarily dispose of excrement left by their dog anywhere in the Municipality
Limit of three dogs per premise in urban areas

Please note barking dog complaints are dealt with under the Noise By-law. For initial warnings regarding barking dogs animal control officers will educate dog owners of the by-law requirements.

Refer to By-law for further details.

Pet and Wildlife Rescue (PAWR) is the Municipality’s contracted animal control provider.

Contact for further information: 
Animal Control Services (Pet and Wildlife Rescue)
405 Park Ave E, Chatham


If you require Police assistance for an emergency call 9-1-1.

245-2004 (this by-law cannot be downloaded)

Questions regarding this by-law: Engineering & Traffic 519-360-1998.

Complaints/enforcement Private Property: Chatham-Kent Building Services 519-360-1998

Complaints/enforcement Public Property: Chatham-Kent Police Service Non-Emergency 519-352-1234.

Ask a traffic question:

Traffic & Marine Questions - Chatham-Kent Police Service (


Highlights of the Zoning By-law:
• Types of buildings allowed
• Size of building allowed
• The permitted uses of the property
• Parking requirements
• Setbacks (distance from property line)
• Restricted uses

Refer to By-law for further details.

Contact for further information: Building Development Services 519-360-1998

Complaints: Complaint Form or call 519-360-1998

• A written, signed complaint form must be submitted to the By-law Enforcement Office, Building Services Department - Chatham Civic Centre.
• Once the form has been received, the By-law Enforcement Officer will visit the property in question to ensure that it is a valid complaint.
• If the complaint is valid, a letter is sent to the property owner advising on the specifics of the infraction, what is required in order to comply with the specific by-law and how long will be given in order to comply.
• The By-law Enforcement Officer will follow up with the complainant regarding the actions taken.

​O. Reg. 332/12: BUILDING CODE under Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23

Contact: Building Development Services 519-360-1998

​O. Reg. 213/07: FIRE CODE under Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4

Testing -
(1) This Article applies to rental suites.
(2) The landlord shall test smoke alarms annually and after every change in tenancy.

Contact: Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue 519-436-3270

​Trespass to Property Act

Complaints/enforcement: Chatham-Kent Police Service non-emergency 519-352-1234

Tourism Website

Contact Chatham-Kent Tourism for tourism information and brochures.

Last Updated: Tue May 21 2024