By-law 193-2009
Do I need a permit to have a camp fire?All non-approved burning devices (campfires/fire pits/fire rings) require a Recreational Campfire Permit
Small fires that are contained inside an approved burning device do NOT require a permit.
Can I have a fire on the beach?
2.3 No Person shall set or maintain an Open-Air Fire on any roadway, highway, park, easement, beach, or other public property owned or operated by the Municipality without permission.
My neighbour keeps having a fire and the smoke is coming into my house.
If the fire is posing a risk to life or property, call 911 immediately.
If smoke from the fire is causing a nuisance (smoke coming into your home) and the fire is actively burning, call the non-emergency dispatch line at 519-352-1234.
We are unable to respond when there is no active fire (the fire is out).
The yard is too small to meet the requirements of the Open Burn By-law, is there any other option for me to still have a recreational campfire on my property?
Yes, you can consider using a chiminea or a CSA-approved burning device that uses alternative fuels such as propane and natural gas. These types of devices are considered Approved Burning Devices exempt from the bylaw and do not require a permit.
Refer to By-law for further details.
To obtain a permit: 519-360-1998.
Questions/complaints: Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue 519-436-3270
Chatham-Kent Fire & Rescue webpage on Campfires & Open Burns