Since the original road closure, a series of studies have been completed to fully evaluate this issue and determine recommendations for both short- and long-term solutions. These studies included the Lake Erie Shoreline Study, completed in 2020 and the Talbot Trail Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. The original EA Study for Talbot Trail evaluated alternatives related to the Long-Range Solution for the roadway over a 100-year planning horizon and was completed in March 2023. The Long-Range Solution requires significant improvements to 2nd Concession Line as well as property acquisitions, intersection upgrades, and utility relocations. An Addendum to the EA Study was undertaken to evaluate alternatives related to an Interim Solution (30-year planning horizon) that would allow Talbot Trail to be reopened. The EA Addendum was completed in Summer 2024.
Following the completion of the EA Addendum, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent retained an engineering consulting firm, to complete the detailed design, environmental screenings and permitting and approvals to implement the Technically Preferred Alternative (TPA) which will relocate the closed portion of Talbot Trail approximately 130m northwest of the existing roadway.
Construction is anticipated to get underway in the Fall of this year. Timing of the road reopening is anticipated to be Spring of 2026, however this will be dependent on confirmation of the Contractor’s schedule. More information will continue to be shared with residents as the detailed design and approvals are completed.