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Chatham-Kent Heartwork

​Chatham-Kent Heartwork is pleased to offer free learning opportunities for early years professionals who work with and support the children and families in Chatham-Kent. 

All Chatham-Kent Heartwork workshops are FREE and are intended for all professionals working with children in Chatham-Kent early years settings.


Stepping Side By Side

A Professional Learning Pathway for Early Childhood Educators

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In Chatham-Kent, we know that Early Years professionals pride themselves on staying current with information on early childhood development. They strive to provide quality programming while holding the four foundations of HDLH at the core of their work with children and families.

Stepping Side By Side Chatham-Kent is a professional learning and mentoring opportunity. This initiative was created to use individually as well as in group settings to support reflection, collaboration and growth within the role of early childhood education. It is a modulated program intended for those:

  • stepping into the field of early childhood education
  • currently working in the field
  • rising leaders and leaders

Stepping Side by Side was created by ASCY for Early Learning Professionals to dig deeper into topics related to their scope of practice. Chatham-Kent is excited to partner with this initiative to support the mentorship and Professional Learning needs of our community.

Upcoming Events

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Big Ideas for the Care of Tiny Humans Module 3: Emotions (presented by the Chatham-Kent Heartwork Committee)

As care professionals, we hold an important role in shaping infant and early years mental health and contribute to an overall healthier community. Come together in a Community of Practice led by the Chatham-Kent Heartwork Committee, supported by the video series and work of Dr Jean Clinton and Lorrie McGee's 'Big Ideas for the Care of Tiny Humans', and dive deeper into the concept of 'Emotions' (Video 3 of the series).

*Registration Required

Location: Retro Suites Hotel, Derby Room, 2 King St. W., Chatham (doors open at 6:00 pm for registration, food and networking)

  • Tuesday, January 21, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

School Age: A Focus on Connection Part 2 (presented by Nadine Ladouceur & Mary Smith, Early Years Strategy Specialists)

Taking a closer look at each child's invisible backpack, we will explore how children show up and how we show up for children. 

As Early Years Stratgey Specialists, Mary Smith and Nadine Ladoucer have a vested interest in the success of all Early Years Professionals across CK so that children, families and professionals thrive. 

*Registration Required

Location: St. Angela Merici C.S. (801 McNaughton Ave. W., Chatham)

  • Tuesday, January 28, 6:30 - 8:00 pm


Big Ideas for the Care of Tiny Humans Module 4: Self (presented by the Chatham-Kent Heartwork Committee)

As care professionals, we hold an important role in shaping infant and early years mental health and contribute to an overall healthier community. Come together in a Community of Practice led by the Chatham-Kent Heartwork Committee, supported by the video series and work of Dr Jean Clinton and Lorrie McGee's 'Big Ideas for the Care of Tiny Humans', and dive deeper into the concept of 'Self' (Video 4 of the series).

*Registration Required

Location: Retro Suites Hotel, Derby Room, 2 King St. W., Chatham (doors open at 6:00 pm for registration, food and networking)

  • Wednesday, February 19, 6:30 - 8:30 pm


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