​Development Charges / Part XII Charges are the fees charged to properties within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent for new services and are payable by the property owners upon issuance of a building permit for each dwelling unit, building or structure. The Part XII Charge fees are payable by the property owners as part of the assessing by-law for a new waterline or sanitary sewer project cost. These charges help pay a portion of the cost associated with the new infrastructure and municipal service expansion needed to support growth.
For more information on additional development charges within Chatham-Kent, visit the Municipal Building Development Charges page.
The charges in the above document apply to residential development based on the number and type of dwelling units and non-residential development based on non-residential gross floor area, as applicable.
Lands affected include all lands within the geographic area of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and the By-law applies whether or not the land or use is exempt from property taxation.
For more information please contact the PUC office: ckpuc@chatham-kent.ca or call 519-360-1998
Below are the Actual 2025 Fees for Residential and Non-Residental Water and Wastewater Development Charges.
Please see the By-law 30-2024 under the Helpful Links below.