Liquor Licences, issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), are required for any location or event serving alcohol within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Having a Liquor Licence allows you to sell and serve alcohol in Ontario. For more information, please visit the AGCO website at, or contact the AGCO Customer Service Department at 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario).
Please contact the Municipal Clerk's office at 519-360-1998 or email for assistance when applying to AGCO for a Liquor Licence. The Clerk's office will forward your information to Chatham-Kent Fire, Building, Health and Police Services for completion of the Agency Letter of Approval and the Municipal Clearance Form.
Special Occasions Permits
A Special Occasion Permit (SOP) is required any time liquor is offered for sale or served anywhere other than in a licensed establishment, such as a corporate boardroom or a private residence. SOPs are issued for occasional special events only and not for operating an ongoing business. For more information on different types of Special Occasion Permits (SOP) please visit - liquor sales licence page, or contact the AGCO Customer Service Department at 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario).
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent owns and manages facilities where alcohol consumption is permitted under the authority of an SOP. Council approved the Municipal Alcohol Risk Management Policy (MAP) in order to prevent alcohol-related problems that may arise and to promote a safe, responsible and enjoyable environment for those who use our facilities. The MAP policy supersedes SOP requirements.