Backyard Chickens

At the November 4, 2024 Council Meeting, Council approved the implementation of a two-year pilot program to allow for Backyard Chickens on properties zoned Village Residential and Rural Residential, excluding the Community of Erieau.

What does this mean?

Individuals who reside on a property that has an RR-Rural Residential or VR-Village Residential Zoning (excluding Erieau), can make an application for a Hen Permit. Check your property zoning here. Enter your address in the top left corner of the Search box.

What is the cost?

Hen Permit Initial Fee - $400
Hen Permit Renewal Fee - $125

How do I obtain a permit?

Those interested in making an application for a hen permit can submit a completed Hen Permit Application Form to Licensing Services by email at or by phone at 519.360.1998. Individuals wishing to apply should review the Amendment to the Responsible Animal Ownership By-law

Hen Permit Application Form

How many hens can I have under a hen permit?

Each approved property can have up to ten (10) hens.

What about roosters?

The Backyard Chicken By-law for Rural Residential and Village Residential Zones - Pilot Program does not permit roosters, only hens.

What about Agricultural Zoned Properties?

The Municipality already permitted chickens (both hens and roosters) with no need for a permit for Agricultural Zoned properties. The new amendment makes no changes to the requirements for these properties.

Past Information

The following recommendations where approved as amended:


  1. The amendment to the Responsible Animal Ownership By-law No. 170-2021 regulating a two-year pilot program for backyard chickens in “rural residential” and “village residential” zones as defined by the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 216-2009, as amended, be approved, excluding the Community of Erieau
  2. The amendment to the User Fee By-law No. 221-2023 to add initial, and renewal hen permit fees, be approved.
  3. The set fines for the amending By-law for Backyard Chickens be approved with final approval given by the Ministry of the Attorney General’s office

A public meeting was held on September 19, 2024 at the Ken Houston Memorial and Agricultural Centre  located at 1212 North St, Dresden to discuss the contents of the proposed Backyard Chickens By-law - Pilot program.

A survey regarding the proposed Backyard Chicken By-law. A total of 402 participants completed the survey. These results were provided to Council at the November 4, 2024 Council meeting.

Appendix C - Results and Comments on draft Backyard Chickens By-law through C-K Let’s Talk Survey

​The following motions were voted on:

  • Move option # 2 (pilot project) for Rural and Village Residential properties – Approved and Residential properties over one-acre – Motion failed;
  • With regards to the by-law itself, I would like the following things to be considered, but not limited to: - Approved
  1. Chickens must stay on your own property. If you do not have a fence around your property, you must keep them in a chicken coop.
  2. No roosters.
  3. Require a minimum set back from your property lines, or from neighbouring homes buildings. The coop need to be located with set backs from the property lines depending on the side of the yard.
  4. Feed must be stored in a rodent proof container.
  5. Only a one time application and fee. The fee helps cover some of the costs. Before someone is allowed to have chickens, they would apply with the application, if their property is approved for one (based on the criteria we use), they are then able to set up their coop. Before they are able to have chickens, a by-law officer goes to inspect the yard and coop. If it passes inspection, they are good to get the chickens. After that, the only time we would visit the property again is if their is a by-law complaint about the property.
  6. A limit for chickens (that might depend on lot size) or how the property is zoned.
  7. Demerit points

​The following motion was approved: "That Council direct administration to bring back a report in the Spring of 2024 with costing associated to a backyard chicken program for all of Chatham-Kent.  This report should include several options for a program with different levels of enforcement and regulations, and include an update from public health on avian flu and other related matters to backyard chickens.  In addition, this report will include options of different ways to implement a Backyard Chicken program including status quo and consideration of a pilot project and associated costs. Administration shall recommend one of these options suggested to Council within the report.

Council to also direct administration to include the following recommendations for consideration in the new RFP to be posted in late 2023/early 2024 for Animal Control Services include separate costing options for different levels of enforcement should Chatham-Kent implement a backyard chicken program. This will assist with understanding how much a program will cost when Council votes on the report in Spring 2024."

​A public meeting was held on June 29, 2023, at 6:00 pm at St. Mary's Hall at 94 George St in Blenheim to discuss the contents of the Information Report to Council and the survey results. See Attachment E for the minutes of that meeting.

Attachment E - Minutes of June 29 2023 public meeting

As directed by Council, a survey regarding backyard chickens in urban areas was conducted through Chatham-Kent's Let Talk from March 17 to April 12, 2023. A total of 4,988 participants completed the survey. These results were provided to Council at the July 10th, 2023 Council meeting.

Attachment A - Summary of Survey Results for Backyard Chickens

Last Updated: Tue Nov 05 2024