At the November 4, 2024 Council Meeting, Council approved the implementation of a two-year pilot program to allow for Backyard Chickens on properties zoned Village Residential and Rural Residential, excluding the Community of Erieau.
What does this mean?
Individuals who reside on a property that has an RR-Rural Residential or VR-Village Residential Zoning (excluding Erieau), can make an application for a Hen Permit. Check your property zoning here. Enter your address in the top left corner of the Search box.
What is the cost?
Hen Permit Initial Fee - $400
Hen Permit Renewal Fee - $125
How do I obtain a permit?
Those interested in making an application for a hen permit can submit a completed Hen Permit Application Form to Licensing Services by email at or by phone at 519.360.1998. Individuals wishing to apply should review the Amendment to the Responsible Animal Ownership By-law
Hen Permit Application Form
How many hens can I have under a hen permit?
Each approved property can have up to ten (10) hens.
What about roosters?
The Backyard Chicken By-law for Rural Residential and Village Residential Zones - Pilot Program does not permit roosters, only hens.
What about Agricultural Zoned Properties?
The Municipality already permitted chickens (both hens and roosters) with no need for a permit for Agricultural Zoned properties. The new amendment makes no changes to the requirements for these properties.
Past Information