Bingo Licence

The Municipality may issue non-pooling bingo licences to eligible charitable organizations for events conducted anywhere other than in pooling bingo halls (Riverview Gaming Centre and Wallaceburg Hometown Bingo), with prize value up to $5,500. Bingo games with a prize board over $5,500 are licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

Your organization must be eligible to manage and conduct lottery events. Find out what is required on the Lottery Licence page.

Application for a Bingo Licence

Ensure eligibility is current (eligibility has to be renewed every five years).
Review the Lottery Licence Terms and Conditions.
Complete and submit an Application to Manage and Conduct a Bingo Lottery along with the following:

  • cheque from a lottery trust account for the lottery licence fee (3% of the total value of all prizes)
  • rules of play and gaming schedule (samples rules of play and schedule are in Non-Pooling Bingo Information Guide )

The Licensing Department will process and issue your licence within ten business days once the complete application is received.

Submitting a Bingo Report

Following a bingo lottery event, your organization must submit a Bingo Lottery Report within 30 days of holding the bingo. 

Download and complete a Bingo Lottery Report  and include the following:

  • deposit slips (showing funds being deposited into the lottery trust account)
  • copies of cheques and invoices for expenses
  • use of lottery proceeds
  • a bingo summary (a sample is found in the Non-Pooling Bingo Information Non-Pooling Bingo Information Guide )
Reports can be emailed to or dropped off at any Municipal Office.

Year-End Report

Proceeds collected from bingo events must be deposited into a trust account until they are spent on eligible expenses. In order to ensure accountability and monitor the use of these proceeds, a year-end raffle report is required in addition to the report submitted 30 days after the bingo takes place.

The Year-End Report must be submitted by February 15th for the previous calendar year with the following:

  • bank statements for the entire calendar year
  • cancelled cheques/receipts to support the expense

For questions or more information on acquiring a Bingo Licence, call Licensing Services at 519-360-1998 or email