Chatham-Kent Coordinated Assessment, Referral and Evaluation Services (CK CARES)

What is CK CARES?

The Chatham-Kent Coordinated Entry & Access System is designed to organize community-level responses to homelessness. Individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis are directed to community-level entry points where trained workers use a common assessment tool to evaluate the individual or family's depth of need (acuity), prioritize them for housing and/or support services and help to match them to available housing-focused interventions.

Who are our Community Entry Points (CEP)?

CK CARES is comprised of Community Entry Points within Chatham-Kent. CEPs have identified agency locations that have regular contact with the homeless population, have been trained to assess individual and family needs with a common assessment tool and provide housing-first programming. 

The CEPs in Chatham-Kent are:

  • Municipality of Chatham-Kent – Employment & Social Services
  • CKERRP – Chatham-Kent Emergency and Rapid Rehousing Program
  • Chatham-Kent Women's Centre
  • Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton-Kent
  • House of Sophrosyne
  • Salvation Army Ministries Chatham-Kent

Who does CK CARES help?

CK CARES exists to provide coordinated, integrated and prioritized service to people who:

  • Have been homeless for 14 days or more.
  • Have multiple, complex challenges that create barriers to obtaining and maintaining permanent, safe and appropriate housing.
  • Are living unsheltered, emergency sheltered, couch surfing, transitional housing or inappropriately housed and unable to resolve it on their own.
  • May require intensive housing-first support.
  • Are currently engaged and agreeable to participating in Housing First programming.

CK CARES Programs

Homes For Youth

The Homes 4 Youth (H4Y) program provides youth (aged 16 to 25) with the support needed to secure and maintain housing and become self-sufficient. The H4Y program combines a Portable Housing Benefit (PHB) with Intensive Case Management Services to support youth and help them find long-term stable housing.

Adult ICM

Provides housing assistance and intensive support services appropriate to the individual's needs and preferences. This program includes the provision of a rent supplement for high-acuity individuals who face multiple complex barriers to obtaining and maintaining stable housing. Intensive Case Management support is provided to assist with housing stability, integration and supportive connections to the community.

CK CARES Process – How can I get help?

If you are currently experiencing homelessness, please contact the Homeless Response Line at 519-354-6628. Callers will be directed to safe temporary housing with family/friends or referred to local emergency accommodations.

If you believe that you are at risk of homelessness, please contact Employment and Social Services by calling 519-351-8573 during regular office hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm).  A case manager will return your call as soon as possible, typically within 1-2 business days.