More Stakeholder and Public Engagement Coming on CKCH Project

The second of three Stakeholder Engagement Group (SEG) meetings is scheduled to take place June 6 for the proposed Chatham-Kent Community Hub (CKCH). The SEG meetings are being held to ensure that the lived and practiced experiences from community stakeholders are heard, considered, and reflected when designs for the proposed Chatham-Kent Community Hub are being developed.

Next steps in the process include a third and final SEG meeting, a public information session to take place mid-summer, refining designs based on stakeholder and community feedback and finalizing a cost estimate. A public information session will be held to provide the arts & culture and library communities as well as the public an opportunity to provide valuable input on the proposed draft concept design. Members of the following groups will be invited to provide feedback on the draft concept design through the engagement process:

  • Chatham-Kent Arts & Culture Network
  • Historic Downtown Chatham BIA
  • Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce
  • CK Heritage Network
  • Chatham-Kent Community Leaders’ Cabinet
  • CKY – Chatham-Kent to the power of young people
  • Chatham-Kent Immigrant Advisory Group
  • Community Living Chatham-Kent
  • Ontario Genealogical Society

At the end of the second phase, the project will return before Council for a decision on the continuation of the project based on the findings and cost estimates established through the second phase. If approved, the third phase will entail finalization of the designs, tendering costs, construction procurement, and pending approval, the commencement of construction.

At the table to provide input and feedback on the project are representatives from the CK Public Library Board, the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the Municipal Museums Advisory Committee, and the Gallery Advisory Committee.

The proposed Chatham-Kent Community Hub is a multi-year project that is currently in its second phase. The first phase was completed in October of 2023 when Council authorized the purchase of the former Sears portion of the Downtown Chatham Centre. The current phase, expected to last until Fall of 2024, entails establishment of the Stakeholder Engagement Group, creation of detailed concept designs, an updated cost estimate, and public engagement on the concept designs.

To find out more about the Chatham-Kent Community Hub project, including the initial design drawings, visit


Media Contact:

Eric Labadie
Manager, Corporate Communications
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
519-360-1998 x 2039