Council Approves Talbot Trail Re-alignment

On Monday, February 26, 2024, Council approved the recommendation to proceed with the reconstruction/relocation of Talbot Trail in the closed section east of Coatsworth Road to permit the Municipality to re-open this section of Talbot Trail between Coatsworth Road and Stevenson Road.

 In July 2019, the section of Talbot Trail east of Coatsworth Road was closed because of the risk of slope and road failure due to the regressing/unstable bluff slope in this area. Talbot Trail is currently only open to local traffic east of Coatsworth Road and west of Stevenson Road and is physically closed at approximately 500m east of Coatsworth Road.

As a result of this road closure, the Municipality initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study in February 2020 to develop a long-term transportation plan for Talbot Trail, which was completed in May 2023. The Long-Range Technically Preferred Alternative is to construct a new 2-lane rural arterial roadway from Ellerbeck Road to Stevenson Road, following the existing 2nd Concession Line. This requires significant property acquisition, road improvements, and utility relocations.

In May 2023, Council further approved a motion to investigate an interim solution for this area to permit the Municipality to re-open Talbot Trail between Coatsworth Road and Stevenson Road. On February 26, 2024 Council received a recommendation from staff to approve the Interim Solution of reconstructing/relocating Talbot Trail in the closed section east of Coatsworth Road. Council further approved that the Mayor prepare a Letter to the Province requesting funding assistance for the Talbot Trail relocation project to help mitigate the impacts of erosion, as this is a former Provincial Highway.

Following Council endorsement, the Environmental Assessment Study Addendum will be finalized and notices will be sent to all property owners within the study area as well as stakeholders and agencies to notify them of the completion of this study and initiate the 30-day review period. Following this period, the Municipality will begin detailed design for this project, with construction of these improvements planned for 2025.

A copy of the finalized report will be published to the Talbot Trail Environmental Assessment Lets Talk page.

Additional information is also available in the report to council.




For more information contact:

Eric Labadie

Manager, Corporate Communications

Municipality of Chatham-Kent

519-360-1998 x 2039

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