Chatham-Kent Unveils First Public Photo Installation

The first public photo installation was unveiled in downtown Wallaceburg. This structure is intended to be used as a photo backdrop for residents and visitors who are taking in the sights of downtown Wallaceburg. Located at the L.O. Stonehouse Bridge, the public is invited to visit the new installation, take photos, and tag the Municipality of Chatham-Kent on social media when posting the photos using the tag @municck.

“Public spaces are the heart of our community,” said Mayor Darrin Canniff. “By incorporating unique installations like this one, we not only beautify our community but also create interesting locations that bring people together. We are excited to unveil more of these throughout Chatham-Kent over the next year.”

Paid for using Councillor Ward funds, sponsored by Hydro One, this initiative is part of a larger effort to reinvigorate the local landscape, creating spaces that beautify the community where residents can enjoy unique installations and take photos. The Councillor Ward fund, which supports projects that benefit local communities, has been instrumental in bringing this project to life.

The Councillor Ward Funding Program provides each Ward Councillor with $25,000 annually, and the Mayor with $125,000, to apply to projects the Ward Councillor or Mayor believes are priorities within their ward, or in the case of the Mayor, throughout Chatham-Kent. The Community Benefit Contribution of $1,000,000 annually for ten years from Hydro One is to be solely used for capital projects for recreation purposes, as well as art and cultural purposes within Chatham-Kent.


Media Contact:

Eric Labadie
Manager, Corporate Communications
Municipality of Chatham-Kent


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