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Teen Programs

See our Program Calendar for programs and events! 

DIY Poetry Art

Start Date: Saturday, April 19 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm 

Branch Location: Chatham

Looking for an exciting way to spend your long weekend? Mark your calendar and come for a creative session where we'll craft poetry art to celebrate National Poetry Month! Options inlcude Blackout Poetry and DIY Collage Poetry. 

No registration required. Available while supplies last. 

Great for tweens and teens. 

Trivia Night

Join us every Wednesday for virtual Trivia Night! Each week we'll post a new Trivia Night game on CKPL's Facebook page. The game will be available from 6:00 pm until midnight. To join the fun, simply click the link in our Facebook post, pick a nickname, and dive into the game. Don't forget to check back the next day to see how everyone scored! 

Teen Advisory Group (TAG)

The Teen Advisory Group provides an opportunity for individuals aged 12 to 18 to earn volunteer hours while contributing their input on library programs and services tailored for tweens and teens.

TAG meetings will take place in person at the Chatham Branch - Board Room, with an online option available for those unable to attend in person. They will meet four times a year on the third Tuesday of October, January, April, and June, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Volunteers can participate for a one-year term. Members are required to provide school board approved documents to record their volunteer hours. 

For questions, please email

TAG Application.pdf

Teen Advisory Group Guidelines.pdf

Rainbow Reads Book Club - In partnership with CK Pride

Join us every second Tuesday of the month to discuss a Rainbow Reads book of your selection! All types of reading formats are encouraged, including eBooks, audiobooks, graphic novels, and more. You have the option to participate either in person or online. If you wish to join virtually, prior registration is required. To register, please email or call 519-354-2940. The in-person session will take place at the Chatham Branch - Board Room from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 

Clash of the Classrooms 

Join the Clash of the Classrooms challenge from February to March! Homeschool, elementary, and secondary school classes and libraries are invited to participate in the Clash of the Classrooms Reading Challenge in partnership with Lambton County Library. This presents an excellent opportunity to cultivate collaboration and a passion for reading among students in the classroom. For more information and to share the program within your school, please refer to the Clash of the Classrooms .pdf documents. Flyers are available in English and French.

Register for Clash of the Classrooms!

Clash of the Classrooms - English.pdf

Clash of the Classrooms - French.pdf

Teen Art Contest 

Are you 12 to 18 and passionate about creating art? If so, gear up for our 2025 Teen Art Contest! Four winners will be chosen, one for each category. This year's theme is 'Nature.' The categories are Painting, Drawing, Photography, and Mixed Media.

For more information, here are the guidelines:

  • This is for teens aged 12 to 18.
  • Participants must live in or attend school in Chatham-Kent.
  • Applications can be submitted from March 1 to May 26, and winners will be revealed by the end of June.
  • All artwork must be digitized (.jpg or .png file) and emailed to, along with a completed application form.

Applications are available at all Chatham-Kent Public Library branches, or you can download the application here: Teen Art Contest Application.pdf

Teen Online Resources

  • Brainfuse - Brainfuse Homework Help offers a comprehensive suite of online academic services designed to support many learning needs and styles including live tutoring, skills-building, 24/7 Help Center, writing lab, and more!
  • Canadian EncyclopediaHome | The Canadian Encyclopedia - The Canadian Encyclopedia is a resource with more than 25,000 articles that provides accurate and up-to-date information about Canada and Canadians.
  • Candian Points of View, Canadian Points of View - This is a full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. The database provides information on 100 key topics of interest to Canadian researchers.
  • Creativebug - Creativebug is an arts & crafts resource that provides instructor led videos for beginners to expert level makers. Users have an all-access, no-boundaries pass to explore 1,000+ classes.
  • G1 - Your online Driver Education program contains the following ON-specific information: - 6 G1 practice tests for cars, 1 M1 practice test for motorcycles - 1 G1 test simulator (cars), 1 M1 test simulator (motorcycle) - An FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ MTO-related questions
  • Hoopla - A streaming service of ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, and TV shows that can be enjoyed on your computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Kanopy - Classic films, world cinema, documentaries and popular movies available for on-demand streaming.
  • Libby by Overdrive - Libby provides a collection of ebooks, audiobooks and magazines. All you need is the Internet and your library card! Enjoy titles immediately online, or download them for offline use. All titles automatically expire so no overdue fines!
  • NoveList Plus - You can search thousands of popular fiction and non-fiction titles, retrieve author-read-alikes, book lists, book discussion guides and recommended reads and more. NoveList Plus is a complete readers' resource.
  • PressReader, Catalog of 7000+ Online Newspapers & Magazines - PressReader - PressReader gives you same day access to newspapers and magazines from around the world in full colour, full page format and available in over 60 languages. With PressReader you can hold an enhanced digital replica of your favourite publication and read it cover to cover. 
  • World Book, Super Home Page - A comprehensive suite of e-learning resources designed for all ages and abilities with articles, videos, educator tools, ebooks, research guides and more.

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