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Libby (formerly OverDrive)

You can choose from thousands of ebooks, audiobooks and magazines with this digital media platform. Digital magazines are now available through Libby. 

Libby or Sora app, Adobe Digital Editions (for e-readers) or the Libby app website
​10 titles at a time. Magazines do not count toward checkout limits.
​Magazines check out for 21, 14 or 7 days. Other formats check out 14 or 7 days. Libby apps do not support auto-checkout of new magazine issues.
You can have up to 10 items on hold at any given time.
Titles that are not currently available (indicated with Wait List above the cover image) can be placed on hold. You will be asked for your email address and will receive an email when the item becomes available. When a copy of an item that was placed on hold becomes available, it will be held for 3 days. During this time, there is the choice to borrow, cancel or have the item delivered later. Delivered later creates a suspension of the hold for a period of your choice. Your position in the holds list will be maintained. If no action is taken during the 3 days, the hold will automatically be suspended for 7 days. The next time a copy of the item is available for you, the hold will expire after 3 days. The courtesy automatic 7-day suspension occurs only once.
You cannot place a hold on an item you already have checked out.
If you think you'll be too busy to read something if it becomes available or you want to prevent all your holds from coming in at once, you can suspend all or some of your holds.
​Items can be renewed starting 3 days before the expiry date if there are no holds on the item.
The option to renew will display 3 days before the current borrowing period ends. If a copy of the item is available at the time of renewal, the item will be checked out again. Any time left on the borrowing period of the original checkout will be lost. If no copies are available, a hold will be placed and the current borrowing period will not change. You will have the option to renew a magazine within 3 days of the end of the lending period too. Since magazines are offered under simultaneous use, you could also borrow the magazine again at any time.
Materials will expire automatically at the end of the checkout period. These items do not have to be returned and late fines are never applied.
However, it is possible to return certain items early if you reach your checkout limit or to make items available for other library users.
eBooks can be returned early using whichever method was used to download them (e.g. Libby app, Adobe Digital Editions). See for instructions on how to return ebooks.
If you find a title that is not offered on Libby, you can use a ‘Notify Me’ tag to express your interest to CKPL. If a title you have tagged as ‘Notify Me’ is purchased, you will receive a notification and have the option to either borrow it or place a hold on it. See information on recommending titles.
You can suggest one title every 7 days.
Reading history is saved on the Libby App under Timeline, which is specific to the device you are on. The Timeline section lists all titles you have borrowed, placed on hold, renewed, and returned. To see only the titles you have borrowed, look at the “Borrowed” smart tag. See information on reading history.

Last Updated: Fri Apr 28 2023

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