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Library Cards

Sign up for a Chatham-Kent Public Library membership card and start enjoying all your library has to offer!

How do I get a card?

Residents of Chatham-Kent can obtain a free Chatham-Kent Public Library card by visiting any CKPL branch with an ID showing your name and address. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian to register for a library card. The parent/legal guardian will be required to show ID with their name and address.

Residents of neighbouring communities (Elgin County, Essex County, Lambton County, Middlesex County and St. Thomas) are also eligible for a free CKPL card as a reciprocal borrower. To obtain a reciprocal borrower card, please visit any CKPL branch with an ID showing your name and address and a library card from your home library system.

Can't make it to a CKPL branch? Sign up for a CKPL Virtual Card online and we'll bring the library to you. Use your Virtual Card to access CKPL's digital library including thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, streaming movies and music, magazines and more!

Non-residents can obtain a CKPL card for a fee of $30 for a year or $15 for six months.

Are there different kinds of library cards?

Yes, CKPL offers different card types to help meet the needs of different groups in our community. In addition to our regular memberships, reciprocal borrowing memberships, non-resident memberships and Virtual Library Cards, CKPL also offers Home Service and Educator cards.

How old do you have to be to get a card?

There is no age limit for getting a library card. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian to register for a library card. The parent/guardian must present an ID showing their name and address. Parents/guardians are responsible for any materials that the child borrows. Children's and teen items are fine-free.

Does my library card expire?

Yes, library cards expire every two years on your birthday. This allows CKPL to check that we have the correct information on file. A current and up-to-date account enables you to continue checking out books, movies and music as well as access all our online resources.

To renew your card, please bring your card and a piece of ID showing your name and address to any CKPL branch. If you have fines on your card, these will need to be paid before renewal can take place. There is no cost to renew your library card. If your card has been lost, a new card will have to be issued for a cost of $2.00.

What happens if I lose my card or it gets stolen?

Please report a lost or stolen card to CKPL as soon as possible. Cardholders are responsible for any items that are checked out on their card. Reporting a lost or stolen card will prevent someone else from using your library card to check out items.

Can I still check out items if I forget my card?

Yes, if you forget your card, borrowing can still take place if you present your ID. This helps ensure that someone else is not checking out items on your card.

Can I use a picture of my library card saved on my smartphone?

At this time, CKPL is not accepting pictures of library cards presented on phones or other mobile devices. 

Last Updated: Thu Sep 14 2023

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