Chatham-Kent is a community dedicated to holistic health and wellness and enjoyfresh farm-to-table produce in your own backyard. The community enjoys year-round recreational activities and facilities, walking trails, connection to nature, and a range of healthcare services that provide options for people looking to live a healthier lifestyle.
There are many yoga studios, gyms, health food stores, and various sports and recreation clubs to choose from across Chatham-Kent. You also have access to local naturopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, optometrists, dentists and other health services to meet yours and your family's health needs. Expecting parents also have prenatal support options through local midwives, doulas, and services like Mother Nurture Childbirth Support Services and Midwives of Chatham-Kent. Use the CK business directory to search by Chatham-Kent community and business type, or, to find services near you.