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Chatham-Kent Welcome Network

The Chatham-Kent Local Immigration Partnership invites you to join the Chatham-Kent Welcome Network (CKWN). The Chatham-Kent Welcome Network promotes the efforts of organizations and businesses to make Chatham-Kent a welcoming community to newcomers by connecting residents both new and old to the people and services that can assist with a variety of settlement or immigration issues. 

Are you looking for help getting settled in CK? Find information and settlement supports from:

Members of the CKWN will be able to successfully connect clients and guests to settlement supports on the LivingCK website or through settlement agencies. For a full list of settlement and immigration supports in Chatham-Kent, please view the map below.

How it works: 

  1. Businesses and organizations join the Chatham-Kent Welcome Network by demonstrating they meet a variety of criteria around Cultural Awareness; Cultural Sensitivity; and Diversity, Equity, Justice and Inclusion.
  2. Successful businesses and organizations will provide their staff with information on the CK Welcome Network, allowing them to better assist anyone seeking information about settlement or immigration supports in Chatham-Kent.
  3. Businesses and organizations receive a window-decal and certificate which identify them as a member of the CK Welcome Network to customers and guests. Anywhere someone sees the CK Welcome Network logo, they will have a direct connection to resources and supports that assist newcomers to integrate more quickly and feel at home in the community. 
  4. Businesses and organizations will receive tools, information, and resources on how they can create more welcoming spaces. This information is shared on a monthly basis through the CK LIP Monthly Newsletter.


  • Promote Chatham-Kent as a welcoming community
  • Improve cultural awareness; cultural sensitivity; and diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.
  • Increase newcomers' access to services
  • Increase newcomers' sense of belonging

Benefits of Membership 

  • Promote your organization's ability to serve diverse client/customer base
  • Access information on diversity and newcomer services
  • Improve capacity to celebrate diversity 

Apply Today!

To learn if your organization meets the criteria to become a member of the Chatham-Kent Welcome Network and to apply, please view the application form. Completed forms can be e-mailed to: 


25 Creek Road, Chatham, ON N7M 0L1

Chatham-Kent Local Immigration Partnership Logo Chatham-Kent Proud Partner IRCC Logo

Last Updated: Tue Dec 19 2023