Inter-Urban public transit connects our Chatham-Kent communities. All inter-urban routes arrive and depart the Downtown Transfer Terminal at 100 Wellington Street West. Visit our Trip Planning and Real-Time Tracking page to assist with planning your trip. Click on the links below to access maps and route information or download the Ride CK Service Guide for general information on transit across Chatham-Kent.
Departure Times
- Morning: 6:15 am and 8:45 am (Monday - Saturday)
- Mid-day: 12:15 pm (Monday - Friday)
- Afternoon: 4:15 pm and 6:45 pm (Monday - Saturday)
Excludes holidays
Route Maps and Information
The following routes are available on the Inter-Urban system:
Route A: Chatham, Wallaceburg, Dresden
Route C: Chatham, Charing Cross, Blenheim, Ridgetown
Route D: Chatham, Charing Cross, Cedar Springs, Dealtown, North and South Buxton, Merlin, Tilbury