We welcome your suggestions for our collection!
Please enter as much information as you can to help us find the item you are looking for. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before the form can be submitted. Please check the
CKPL Catalogue first to make sure the library does not already own a copy.
To help us manage the volume of suggestions, please do NOT request:
- Current titles from bestselling authors and other popular material. The library will be buying these. Please check the catalogue regularly and place a hold on these items. Ask library staff to show you how to quickly find what's new.
- Titles that are not yet published or released.
- Movies that are still in theatres or not yet released on DVD.
If we are unable to purchase print titles, we will attempt to obtain them through interlibrary loan (ILLO) from another library system.
To use this service, your library account must be up-to-date and not have any overdue fines or charges of $10.00 or more. Please visit any CKPL branch to renew your card or clear your account.
The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Ontario Public Libraries Act R.S.O. 1990 for the administration of library operations. For more information, see our Privacy Policy. If you have any further questions on privacy, please direct them to the CEO/Chief Librarian, at 519-354-2940.
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