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Progress Report

​Chatham-Kent is thinking bigger.

We know our community's growth, youth and diversity set us apart. We sit at the centre of Canada's agriculture corridor, encouraging investment and growing our global success. We are building vibrant urban and rural centres that ignite opportunity and instill pride in the people who live and work here.

Monitoring our municipal service performance and community measures will help drive innovation and continuous improvement to make Chatham-Kent successful. 

How the tool works?

CK Plan 2035 is composed of four areas of strategic focus and three guiding principles. Performance indicators for each area of strategic focus and the guiding principle of financial sustainability have been identified and approved by Council. This tool lists the indicators for each, the current value, trend and whether our community is close to achieving the desired outcome.


The icon indicates our progress of a particular indicator towards attaining our target.

Green check markMeeting Target - meeting or exceeding the target

Near Target - close to meeting the target, reachable and moving in the right direction

Red X Needs Improvement - missing the mark and moving the wrong direction

Blue cyclical arrowsMonitoring - we do not have full influence or control over this metric; we are collecting data/monitoring new data


The arrow indicates the direction the metric is moving. For example, the unemployment rate arrow is pointing down meaning to indicate the rate is decreasing. Another example is building activity, which has been increasing each year, so the arrow is pointed up to indicate the trend of the metric increasing.

arrow pointing upwardUpward Trend progress of metric trending upwards
arrow pointing downwardDownward Trend progress of metric trending downwards
horizontal arrowNo Trend progress of metric not changing